British IP Day

The Alliance first established British IP Day in 2016 to celebrate the huge contribution that intellectual property makes to the UK, both culturally and economically.
In 2019, creators and IP-rich business owners from across the diverse industries represented by the Alliance once again descended on Parliament. There, designers, authors, musicians, brand owners, artists and publishers met with MPs to tell the story of how crucial intellectual property is to their work and success.
This year British IP Day will take place on Wednesday 12th July, marking the 7th year of celebrations.
This year's focus will be on the continuing importance of Intellectual Property to the UK economy and society as well as the celebration of the Alliance's 25th anniversary. Read more about British IP Day 2023 here and our booklet here.
IP Champions

Across the UK there are individuals, businesses and organisations who work to promote and protect intellectual property (IP), enabling British innovation and creativity to thrive. The Alliance for Intellectual Property’s annual IP Champion Award aims to recognise these efforts by rewarding an excellent initiative or service which helps to protect or promote IP. The award is given to the winner each year on British IP Day, normally at a reception on the terrace of the House of Commons which is attended by leading Parliamentarians and representatives from across the IP community.
Read more about this year's winners here.
Former winners include:
Dids Macdonald OBE, Chief Executive, Anti-Copying in Design (ACID)
Rt Hon John Whittingdale OBE MP
Liz Bales, Chief Executive, Industry Trust
Lavinia Carey, Director General, British Association for Screen Entertainment
Simon Brown, Director, UK Film Content Protection Agency
Crown Prosecution Service Specialist IP Team
Officers of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Intellectual Property
Nick Kounoupias, Chief Legal Counsel, Anti Copying in Design (ACID)
Geoff Taylor, Chief Executive, BPI, BRIT Awards & Mercury Prize
Phil Lewis, Director General, The Anti-Counterfeiting Group (ACG)
Sarah Onley, Liberal Democrat MP for Richmond Park, Vice-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Intellectual Property