Parliamentary Reception - Jan 2020
January 2020
The Annual Alliance for IP Winter Reception in Parliament took place on 27 January 2020, celebrating the vital contribution that Intellectual Property (IP) makes right across the UK, culturally and economically.
The Alliance and members were joined by officials and politicians from all backgrounds at our Winter Reception in Parliament, where we showcased the significant contribution of the creative industries to UK economy.
Attendees were given the opportunity for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at beloved film props including costumes from the first Wonder Woman film.
This year’s event was kindly supported by the Motion Picture Association. As a major part of the audio visual sector in the UK, the MPA represents companies that produce and distribute some of the highest quality and most popular creative content.
Get it Right from a Genuine Site
The event showcased the educational campaign, Get It Right from a Genuine Site, which emphasises the importance of accessing copyright material from genuine services. Every time consumers watch, listen, play or read, they make a choice – either to support creativity and help it flourish, or to contribute nothing.

Pippa Hall, Director of Innovation and Chief Economist at the Intellectual Property Office:
“I’m very proud that the UK has one of the strongest intellectual property frameworks in the world and we at the Intellectual Property Office are committed to ensure we maintain that leading position. I know there are still significant challenges in enforcing IP rights, especially in the digital environment, but it’s a task we are committed to.”
Stan McCoy, President and Managing Director at MPA EMEA:
“It was great to see the UK audio-visual sector being celebrated at the Alliance for Intellectual Property’s Winter Reception. The UK film and television sector employs 170,000 people in highly desirable, creativity- and technology-intensive jobs. It is important to maintain that creative ecosystem so that our sector can continue to ignite the passions of fans and inspire the next generation of creators.”