The Alliance for Intellectual Property members above represent a vast number of British creators and businesses. Over 3 million jobs (or 1 in 11 of all UK jobs) are now in the Creative Industries alone and this sector is the fastest growing in the UK economy. We are world leaders in the creation and protection of IP in all forms but we need to keep adapting, particularly online, to ensure that creativity and opportunity exists in the future.
On 5th July there is a vote in the European Parliament where MEPs will be asked to back the mandate adopted by the Legal Affairs (JURI) Committee on 20 June which is the result of serious and considered negotiations.
There is a huge campaign currently bombarding inboxes of MEPs and attracting attention in the wider media on the issue of Copyright reform, and specifically on Articles 11 and 13 that were voted for by the JURI Committee.
This campaign is pushing individuals to lobby against the Copyright Directive, but it is ignoring many of the facts. Read our mythbusters document and tell MEPs to support the #CreatorsRightsFight and #Vote4JURIreport on July 5th.
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